aka: Coders, Toady, Toaders
Cody was born in February of 2004 on a very cold, wet, icy, snowy night. His Mom was not due for a couple of weeks but decided that night would have been the right night. She had him outside, and no one knew he was born until later the afternoon of the following day. He was frozen to the ground and extremely cold.
Cody and his Mom (Khaki) were moved into the barn and he was dried off and blanketed. It was touch and go for a couple of weeks but he is a survivor!
Bear and I boarded our horses at this barn and moved our horses in October of 2004.
Cody was out with a couple of other colts. He was the wildest, feral baby ever. Would not even let you touch him nor hardly even look at him. I noticed him right away. He was absolutely gorgeous with the tiger striping on his legs and the dorsal stripe and his face was so expressive. I talked to Bear and told him I wanted to see if we could get him. I felt so sorry for him being so scared of everything. Now, Cody did have some issues, two club feet in the back, and a huge mistrust of humans in general.
I talked to Margie, the owner, and we agreed on a price and he became mine. We started by moving him into a stall so that I could work with him so we could get a halter on him. He was very wary, I began by moving his feet in the stall to the right and left. He ha to eat with me holding the bucket and slowly I began to earn his trust and was able to pet him.
The haltering was a bit stressful, but we got it accomplished and began his leading work.One thing that Cody absolutely hates is his back legs touched. He will even kick his tail if it brushes him just right. I think this issue is a result of him being frozen to the ground when he was first born. We started slow with leading and then I worked on round penning and lunging. Now, he is what you would describe as “in your pocket”. He loves attention and will just follow along like a puppy. Due to some of his issues we have ridden him lightly but he is now retired. Due to a knee injury when he was 2, he has some arthritis in his knee. He is the Alpha of the herd. .
I am so proud of this boy and how far he has come from that wild, feral colt that I started with.., ‘ ‘ . I
I am so proud of this boy and how far he has come from that wild, feral colt that I started with.