Pistol Pete AKA Pete

.PetePistol Pete was Bear’s best buddy. He was such a good horse and beautiful. Bear and Pete hada unique partnership. Pete was a good natured ole boy who just went along with anything we tried. He was a party Pony and had an article written about him in the Belleville News when we lived in …

World Bank AKA Banks/Bankie

My Black Beauty, my Thoroughbred, my big big boy. He was Black with a stripe and one smallwhite on one leg. He was absolutely a dream to ride. I loved this big horse. Bear (my Hubble) worked at the horse track and became friends with a trainer named “Fast Eddie”. Banks was a handful and …

Docs Sunny Kat AKA Kit

Kit,My beautiful Painted Pony. I got Kit when she was 4 years old. She was a handful. Opinionated,spirited, bull headed, and feisty but she was my heart and soul horse. A friend once told me thatI was the only one she could see that could tolerate Kit.Kit was 28 years old when she passed and …

Herman AKA Hip#954

HermanHerman was my Big Boy, 17 hand, Standard race and spotted saddlebred. He was a Kill penrescue and he was just a big lug of a horse. He love his treats and Loved his friend Kit (Mypainted pony). He was much older than we were told (16 was 24ish) and came to us with EPM.We …

Hack AKA Thug Boyz 2

Hack aka Thug 2Hack, is the other ½ of the Thug Boyz Duo and wears that label proud. He is a Mini Donkey. Healso plays rough with the goats (he picked one of the babies up and was carrying it around likea rag doll, scared me to death) and Miss Tootie so we do not …

Lil Joe AKA Thug Boyz 1

Lil Joe, what can we say about this mini horse with a giant horse “tude”I love my little blue-eyed thug boy. He loves treats and will stand for you to love on him all day long. He doeshave a propensity to want to “play” rough with our goats and Miss Tootie the pig so we …

Hondo formerly Alejandro

Hondo is a Kill Pen rescue. He is an Azteca. He came to us by mistake and Bear couldn’t bearto let him go back so we ended up purchasing Hondo.You see, Hondo was delivered to us late in the evening and it was supposed to be Rooster.Now, I can’t say if this was a bait …